In My Life Autobiographies (IMLA) developed our two-book IML-ai Product to be both a “How To” guide for designing, writing, and publishing an In My Life autobiography and as a published example of an In My Life autobiography. Presented in a single, tightly coupled volume, the product’s straightforward and supportive approach helps prospective authors get started, stay on task, and produce professional life stories.

The IML-ai Product’s “How To” book is not just a process it is a comprehensive guide to the personal journey that awaits an autobiographer. It mirrors Tony’s experiences designing, writing, developing, and producing the IML-ai Product’s second book, Tony’s “so far” autobiography. The first book inspires, guides, and provides the gentle prods that helped Tony start, finish, and publish “In My Life: Anthony (Tony) Constable – 1942 to 2024+.” Feedback from IML-ai Product readers have called it “engaging, informative, entertaining, and inspiring.”

Noticing that the Internet is awash with theoretical advice for memoirists, little help is available to apply such advice. That is why the IML-ai Product includes Tony’s published In My Life Autobiography as its second book. It is liberally referenced by the “How To” book to provide examples and discussion of the issues, decisions, and choices every memoirist faces and, helpfully, shows how best to deal with them.

The IML-ai Product provides the key for aspiring autobiographers to unlock a treasure trove of life memories and emotions. It is a thoughtful, meaningful, valuable, and affordable gift for prospective autobiographers in your life. It provides a tool that inspires us to remember, explore, and describe what the phrase ‘In My Life’ means. It’s also a way to preserve and share life’s most precious moments with yourself and, once published, with those closest to you.

The IML-ai Product’s two-books-in-one offering also a guide to a journey through the mind, the heart, and the soul, and autobiographies that result from gifting close associates the product can truly make it “the gift that keeps on giving.” Prospective autobiographers who want to leave behind the story of their lives must keep moving forward until they reach “The End,” every author’s happy place, and beyond that to a professional and publishable book of which the author will be proud to say this is what happened ‘In My Life.

Sincerely, Tony Constable, President & CEO, IMLA LLC

105-107 Record Street, Frederick, Maryland, USA 21701

email: [email protected] • (301) 840 5959